
5. Intervention Possibilities and Challenges

The threat rankings based on the Threat Assessments and their Parametric Sensitivity Analyses of the 53 individual transboundary lakes provide a general idea of the comparative need to undertake management interventions. There are other defining factors, however, that merit due consideration to identify priorities for GEF-facilitated funding of potential management interventions. Such considerations will include the availability of relevant data and information on the prevailing biophysical and limnological state of the lake environment, the political climate and government willingness to undertake the challenging tasks involved in intervention project development and implementation. Further, depending on the nature and magnitude of the issues facing the transboundary lake basins, the modes of GEF interventions can vary from, for example, direct technical assistance, policy and regulatory development, financing mechanisms and options, capacity building and incubation, as well as various advisory services.

To provide a mechanism to consider such additional factors, the project used a knowledgebase system called “Learning Acceleration and Knowledge Enhancement System (LAKES-III).” Originally developed and refined at Shiga University (Japan), ILEC has used this system over the past decade to support comprehensive lake basin management efforts in various countries around the world. During the TWAP exercise, the system contained approximately 1 700 documents available from public-domain literature and other sources, as well as manuscripts published from all past issues (1988-2015) of ILEC’s journal, “Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management.” These sources provided considerable additional information to facilitate prioritization of the transboundary lakes for GEF-mediated management interventions, as well as other management efforts.

The range of literature-based observations may be summarily defined as:

  • Explore: Explore the feasibility of interventions with the help of local experts. The available information on the prevailing biophysical and limnological state of the lake environment warrants the use of external interventions. However, the political climate, government readiness, and governance constraints are not clear. Thus, a combined assessment would be possible only with direct involvement of local experts;
  • Survey: Some scientific and managerial data and information are available, but are not sufficient to undertake comprehensive, conclusive assessments. A reconnaissance survey conducted with the help of local experts may lead to necessary conclusions on the desirability and feasibility of external interventions;
  • Improve: The quantity of information on the scientific and managerial challenges is not sufficient to reach any meaningful conclusions. A concerted effort is required to improve the lake knowledge base;
  • Defer: It is premature to make a positive assessment for external interventions;
  • Review: Review the current GEF status;
  • Recommend: Consider GEF interventions.

Factors such as climate change at continental and sub-continental scales also can significantly influence management intervention priorities. These latter factors were not directly incorporated in the assessment framework because of their levels of uncertainty are very large. Using LAKES-III, in combination with the results of the Threat Assessment and Parametric Sensitivity Analysis, it was possible to produce a “Summary of Ranking Order Related to GEF Intervention Possibilities.” This summary represents a a useful basis for GEF in-house priority decisions, in combination with a broader expert group brainstorming to focus on identifying priority GEF intervention possibilities.

Summary of Ranking Order Related to GEF Intervention Possibilities

Lake Range of lake Ranks Literature Assessment Key Observations for
GEF Intervention Considerations
Summary of Threat Ranks Case A Case C Case E
Abbe/Abhe 111614Explore, Improve Joint implementation with other Ethiopian and Djiboujtian highland lakes may be usefully explored.
Aby 2715237Explore, Improve Possibly consider together with Volta River and Lake Volta
Albert 176114Explore, Survey Joint implementation with Edward could be an option.
Cahora Bassa 22219Review, DeferNeed to confirm how lake is assessed within Zambezi River transboundary system.
Chad 2412178Defer Review current GEF status.
Chilwa 12171418Explore, Improve Joint implementation with Chiuta may be usefully explored. Examine viability of relating with Malawi/Nyasa follow-up.
Chiuta 5191519Explore, Improve Joint implementation with Chilwa may be usefully explored. Examine viability of relating with Malawi/Nyasa follow-up.
Cohoha 6219Explore, Improve Consideration may be given to possible joint implementation with Ihema and Rweru/Moero as an option.
Edward 11456Explore, Survey Joint implementation with Albert could be an option.
Ihema 18171Explore, Improve Possibly consider together with Rweru/ Moero and Cohoha.
Josini/Pongolapoort Dam 317192Defer Current status of bilateral position is not clear.
Kariba 25182115Explore, Improve Need to confirm how lake is assessed within Zambezi River transboundary system.
Kivu 79313Defer Political and social instability will have to be overcome before consideration.
Lake Congo River 923923Defer Need to confirm how lake is assessed within Congo River transboundary system.
Malawi/Nyasa 410810Review Review current GEF status, and relationship with Chiuta and Chilwa.
Mweru 13221322Explore, Improve Possibly consider together with Rweru/ Moero and Cohoha.
Nasser/Aswan 16142011Review, Need to confirm how lake is assessed in Nile River transboundary system.
Natron/Magadi 158165Explore, Survey Explore transboundary/non-transboundary framework.
Rweru/Moero 83212Explore, Improve Consideration may be given to possible joint implementation with Ihema and Cohoha as an option.
Selingue 313420Defer Need to undertake more preliminary scientific situation assessment.
Tanganyika 10211821Review Review current GEF status.
Victoria 235103Review Review current GEF status.
Aral Sea 20667Review Review current GEF status.
Aras Su Qovsaginin Su Anbari 35131Defer Need assessment of current scientific and political situation.
Caspian Sea 38783Review Review current GEF status.
Darbandikhan 33242Defer Need assessment of current scientific and political situation.
Mangla 36314Defer Current status of bilateral position is not clear.
Sarygamysh 21878Explore Possibly consider together with Aral Sea follow-up, if that is realized.
Shardara/Kara-kul 29555Explore Possibly consider together with Aral Sea follow-up, if that is realized.
Sistan 14426Review Review current GEF status.
Azuei 19113Recommendable Explore possibility and viability.
Titicaca 26536Review Review current GEF status.
Chungarkkota 28222Defer Review current status in relation to Titicaca.
Itaipu 32341Defer Need assessment of current scientific situation.
Lago de Yacyreta 34454Defer Need assessment of current scientific situation.
Salto Grande 37665Defer Need assessment of current scientific situation.