
Assessment Results: Threat Ranks

TWAP Lakes and Reservoirs Component provides Lake Ranking Order by the threats on the basis of the initial 23 basin drivers and associated driver weights; the socioeconomic factors encompassed within the HDI; and a modified version of the Incident BD threats. The computed ranks from these various parameters were then summed to obtain an overall threat ranking encompassing all of them. It is reiterated that it is the responsibility of the user of the ranking results to identify the most appropriate context for considering them, particularly in regard to developing management interventions.

The summarizes the overall ranks of the TWAP transboundary study lakes, calculated as the sum of the ranks based on the lake Adj-HWS, RvBD, and HDI scores. Not unexpectedly, the large majority of the most threatened transboundary lakes.

Transboundary Lake Threat Ranks by Multiple Ranking Criteria

(Cont., continent; Eur, Europe; N.Am, North America; Afr, Africa; S.Am, South America;
Adj-HWS, Adjusted Human Water Security threat; HWS, Incident Human Water Security threat; BD, Incident Biodiversity threat;
HDI, Human Development Index, RvBD, surrogate for ‘Adjusted’ Biodiversity threat;
Estimated risks: Red – highest; Orange – moderately high; Yellow – medium; Green – moderately low; Blue – low)

Cont. Lake Name Adj-HWS Threat RvBD Threat HDI   Adj-HWS Rank HDI Rank RvBD Rank   Sum Adj- HWS + RvBD Relative Rank   Sum Adj-HWS + HDI Relative Rank   Sum Adj- HWS + RvBD + HDI Overall Rank
AfrLake Congo River0.750.780.34351136183619378
AsiaAral Sea0.840.620.627265321353315820
AfrCahora Bassa0.780.690.43341513472549256222
EurDead Sea0.90.510.72143438522948248630
AfrJosini/Pongola-poort Dam0.850.520.61242737613451298831
S.AmSalto Grande0.670.70.74403811512878398932
S.AmLago de Yacyreta0.750.660.73383620583274389434
AsiaAras Su Qovsaginin Su Anbari0.890.470.73153544593350269434
AsiaCaspian Sea0.730.60.773941276636804010738
EurMacro Prespa (Large Prespa)0.510.510.754440408443844212443
EurSzczecin Lagoon0.530.490.834343438644864312945
EurLake Maggiore0.330.50.8952484294501005014248

Identifying the appropriate context is fundamental to obtaining a meaningful understanding and appreciation of the lake threat ranks, particularly in regard to potential management interventions.

TWAP Lakes and Reservoirs Component provides observations regarding the potential for undertaking management interventions for individual transboundary lakes, based on their ranking order and available literature concerning their current status

Summary of GEF Intervention Possibilities

LakeLiterature AssessmentKey Observations for GEF Prioritization Considerations
Abbe/Abhe Explore, Improve Joint implementation with other Ethiopian and Djiboujtian highland lakes may be usefully explored.
Aby Explore, Improve Possibly consider together with Volta River and Lake Volta
Albert Explore, Survey Joint implementation with Edward could be an option.
Cahora Bassa Review, Defer Need to confirm how lake is assessed within Zambezi River transboundary system.
Chad Defer Review current GEF status.
Chilwa Explore, Improve Joint implementation with Chiuta may be usefully explored. Examine viability of relating with Malawi/Nyasa follow-up.
Chiuta Explore, Improve Joint implementation with Chilwa may be usefully explored. Examine viability of relating with Malawi/Nyasa follow-up.
Cohoha Explore, Improve Consideration may be given to possible joint implementation with Ihema and Rweru/Moero as an option.
Edward Explore, Survey Joint implementation with Albert could be an option.
Ihema Explore, Improve Possibly consider together with Rweru/ Moero and Cohoha.
Josini/Pongolapoort Dam Defer Current status of bilateral position is not clear.
Kariba Explore, Improve Need to confirm how lake is assessed within Zambezi River transboundary system.
Kivu Defer Political and social instability will have to be overcome before consideration.
Lake Congo River Defer Need to confirm how lake is assessed within Congo River transboundary system.
Malawi/Nyasa Review Review current GEF status, and relationship with Chiuta and Chilwa.
Mweru Explore, Improve Possibly consider together with Rweru/ Moero and Cohoha.
Nasser/Aswan Review, Defer Need to confirm how lake is assessed in Nile River transboundary system.
Natron/Magadi Explore, Survey Explore transboundary/non-transboundary framework.
Rweru/Moero Explore, Improve Consideration may be given to possible joint implementation with Ihema and Cohoha as an option.
Selingue Defer Need to undertake more preliminary scientific situation assessment.
Tanganyika Review Review current GEF status.
Victoria Review Review current GEF status.
Aral Sea Review Review current GEF status.
Aras Su Qovsaginin Su Anbari Defer Need assessment of current scientific and political situation.
Caspian Sea Review Review current GEF status.
Darbandikhan Defer Need assessment of current scientific and political situation.
Mangla Defer Current status of bilateral position is not clear.
Sarygamysh Explore Possibly consider together with Aral Sea follow-up, if that is realized.
Shardara/Kara-kul Explore Possibly consider together with Aral Sea follow-up, if that is realized.
Sistan Review Review current GEF status.
Azuei Recommend-able Explore possibility and viability.
Titicaca Review Review current GEF status.
Chungarkkota Defer Review current status in relation to Titicaca.
Itaipu Defer Need assessment of current scientific situation.
Lago de Yacyreta Defer Need assessment of current scientific situation.
Salto Grande Defer Need assessment of current scientific situation.
Salto Grande Defer Need assessment of current scientific situation.

The individual comments regarding this literature-based assessment summary are defined as:

  • Explore: Explore the feasibility of interventions with the help of local experts. The available information on the prevailing biophysical and limnological state of the lake environment warrants the use of external interventions. However, the political climate, government readiness, and governance constraints are not clear. Thus, a combined assessment would be possible only with direct involvement of local experts;
  • Survey: Some scientific and managerial data and information are available, but are not sufficient to undertake comprehensive, conclusive assessments. A reconnaissance survey conducted with the help of local experts may lead to necessary conclusions on the desirability and feasibility of external interventions;
  • Improve: The quantity of information on the scientific and managerial challenges is not sufficient to reach any meaningful conclusions. A concerted effort is required to improve the lake knowledge base;
  • Defer: It is premature to make a positive assessment for external interventions;
  • Review: Review the current GEF status;
  • Recommendable: Consider GEF intervention.